These Scenic rides/drives can be taking in your car or on your bike or maybe both. Either way there is an Oregon Bed and Breakfast Guild member inn where you can rest your tired bones. Plan either your two or 4-wheeled vacation in Oregon on one of Oregon’s Scenic Drives in the Central Cascades. Oregon has 15 routes in the Scenic Bikeways program. These routes were created, inspected, ridden and officially approved by Ride Oregon Ride and those cyclists who have made Oregon a bike friendly state at the head of the pack.
I’ve included links for both the McKenzie River Scenic Bikeway and the McKenzie Pass/Santiam Pass Scenic Byway. Both allow you to start your journey in Sisters, Oregon, before heading over the McKenzie Pass. Finish the 82 mile ride by taking the McKenzie Pass/Santiam Pass Scenic Byway back to Sisters. Lava fields, snowcapped peaks and rushing rivers mark this 82-mile loop around two of Central Oregon’s Cascade Mountain passes.
Oregon Bed and Breakfast Guild is ready to share Oregon with you: it’s environment, culture, and heritage. Combine gracious hospitality with ambiance at an inspected and approved Oregon Bed and Breakfast Guild member Inn.
Hospitality Update: Our inns are following COVID-19 protocol guidance from the Oregon Health Authority.
Although mask guidelines are lifted:
● Some businesses may choose to still require masks.
● Some people may choose to still wear a mask.
We have all struggled through COVID-19 and could use a little kindness. Please be respectful of local businesses and their workers and most importantly kind to yourself.