The Iwetemlaykin State Heritage Site, pronounced “ee-weh-TEAM-lye-kin”, is an Oregon State Park adjacent to a Nez Perce National Historical Park, site of Old Chief Joseph Gravesite and Cemetery, all ancestral homes of the Chief Joseph Band of the Nez Perce.
Twolobe Larkspur
Short trails with spectacular views of the Wallowa Mountains pass Knight’s Pond, a cool summer oasis and a peaceful respite for hikers. Look for spring and summer wildflowers during your walk. You also may catch glimpses of deer, fox, bear and raptors.
For an historic Oregon experience, consider spending a few days in Joseph, Oregon, and visiting the Iwetemlaykin State Heritage Site at different times of day. In the early morning you’ll probably see plenty of wildlife. During the day, watch the sun cast varying shadows on the Wallowa Mountains and visit the Old Chief Joseph Gravesite. Visit Wallowa Lake State Park and get a lift on the Wallowa Lake Tramway, rising above Wallowa Lake Village and the blue waters of Wallowa Lake. Come back to Iwetemlaykin in the evening as the coolness descends.
Mark your calendars and get ready for a special day of appreciation. State Parks Day is coming up on June 3rd, 2023 in Oregon, and it’s a fantastic opportunity to explore the beauty of the state parks.
Bronze Antler Bed & Breakfast is located nearby in Joseph and welcomes you to the Wallowa Valley and this Oregon State Treasure, Iwetemlaykin State Heritage Site. This 1920s period bungalow is restored in the European Arts & Crafts style. The inn’s library includes many books on local Oregon history to round out your geotourism experience.
Bonus: for those searching geocaches
Iwetemlaykin GC3W9AP
Oregon Bed and Breakfast Guild is ready to share Oregon with you: it’s environment, culture, and heritage. Combine gracious hospitality with ambiance at an inspected and approved Oregon Bed and Breakfast Guild member Inn.
Hospitality Update: Our inns are following COVID-19 protocol guidance from the Oregon Health Authority.
Although mask guidelines are lifted:
● Some businesses may choose to still require masks.
● Some people may choose to still wear a mask.
We have all struggled through COVID-19 and could use a little kindness. Please be respectful of local businesses and their workers and most importantly kind to yourself.