What’s so Special About Oregon White Oaks?
The Oregon White Oak is an attractive deciduous hardwood tree native to Oregon, found as far north as British Columbia and as far south as southern California. These lovely hardwoods seem able to withstand both lengthy flooding and drought, and are most common on sites that are either too exposed or too dry for other tree species.
Mature oaks provided an abundance of food for the Kalapuya Indians, who used the tree’s acorns to make acorn meal. It’s now estimated that more than 99 percent of pre-settlement prairies and savannas in Oregon have been converted to urban areas, farms, and other developments. Oregon White Oaks provide favorable habitat to a number of important wildlife types, including the western gray squirrel, which is listed as threatened in Washington and sensitive in Oregon, and to many birds, including dark-eyed juncos, goldfinches, nuthatches, wild turkeys, and acorn and pileated woodpeckers.
Willamette Valley Oaks: Yesterday and Today
The majestic oak is an iconic symbol of the Willamette Valley with a long-standing cultural significance and valuable ecological function. The Rivers to Ridges Partnership recognizes that our remaining oak habitats and the species that depend upon them rely on the active management of both public and private lands. Learn about their common management actions being implemented in Oregon Oak habitats.
Oregon White Oak in Winter
These Trees Tell Stories
Oregon has a vast amount of ancient trees across the state that are reminders of not only the their longevity but as their importance to the environment and our Oregon Heritage.
‘Honored groves, single trees or groups of trees have something in common with one another no matter what the species: they are trees that tell a story; trees that confound and astound; trees that educate both Oregonians and visitors about significant people or events from the past; trees that have survived natural disasters or stand as silent sentries to the passage of time. And that’s only a small part of what makes an Oregon Heritage Tree compelling.’
Leading up to Arbor Day 2023 We’ll celebrate Oregon’s magnificent trees during the month of April
Arbor Day, much like Earth Day, is a holiday that celebrates nature. Its purpose is to encourage people to plant trees and this year the Oregon Bed and Breakfast Guild will take the opportunity to recognizes our unique, magnificent trees throughout the month of April.
Yamhill Vineyards Oregon White Oaks
The Oregon White Oaks growing alongside the vineyards at Yamhill Vineyards Bed and Breakfast are thought to be at least 60 years old, possibly older. Yamhill Vineyards Bed & Breakfast is a charming 2 bedroom B&B in the heart of Willamette Valley Wine Country, a secluded location among 18 acres of vineyards overlooking the Willamette Valley just outside of Carlton, Oregon.
Oregon Bed and Breakfast Guild is ready to share Oregon with you: it’s environment, culture, and heritage. Combine gracious hospitality with ambiance at an inspected and approved Oregon Bed and Breakfast Guild member Inn.
Hospitality Update: Our inns are following COVID-19 protocol guidance from the Oregon Health Authority.
Although mask guidelines are lifted:
● Some businesses may choose to still require masks.
● Some people may choose to still wear a mask.
We have all struggled through COVID-19 and could use a little kindness. Please be respectful of local businesses and their workers and most importantly kind to yourself.