Oregon Bed & Breakfast Guild

45th Parallel Road Sign Fossil Oregon
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The 45th Parallel – Half way Between Here and There

The 45th parallel north is an imaginary line of latitude that circles the Earth halfway between the Equator and the North Pole.

In Oregon, this line passes through the state from east to west, marking an important geographical reference point. Don’t blink, you might miss them: Look for the wide green sign, “45th Parallel Halfway Between the Equator and North Pole.” There are some half-dozen signposts scattered across Oregon identifying this significant geographical location.

45th Parallel Road Sign Lincoln CityIn Oregon the 45th parallel crosses some key locations:

Some of the 45th Parallel signs play host to geocaches. I’ve got my eye on two caches at 45.00.000, off the beaten path, a long 40 miles east off I84 in eastern Oregon. (Update: Found 45th Parallel # 1 GC13T06) The one on Hwy 26 had a cache but sadly, no more. Since it’s pretty close to our inn, the Old Parkdale Inn, I may just have to replace.

Order Oregon B&B Gift Certificates Now. Redeem them at any one of our member inns across Oregon. OBBG Lodging Gift Certificates are available in $50 increments and can be redeemed at every

The Oregon Bed and Breakfast Guild offers a wide variety of inns, from a small guest cottage or two-room bed and breakfast to a larger country inn or small historic hotel.

Shop Small Online Willamette ValleyThree Ways to Order Gift Certificates:

Order online. Don’t include your credit card information on that form. We will call you for payment information

.E-mail info@obbg.org or call OBBG at 503-893-4210.  Please leave a message as this line is monitored by our busy innkeepers. We’ll get back to you for the details: who will be the recipient of your thoughtful gift, acquire your payment method and shipping information. We’ll send them by mail, to either you or the recipient, with delivery confirmation. The recipient will have a great time getting away to a high-quality destination of their choice.

Oregon Bed & Breakfast Guild member across the state. With 25 members to choose from that’s a lot of choices and with an 18 months expiration recipients have plenty of time to redeem them at the Inn of their choosing.

Oregon Bed and Breakfast Guild is ready to share Oregon with you: it’s environment, culture, and heritage. Combine gracious hospitality with ambiance at an inspected and approved Oregon Bed and Breakfast Guild member Inn.

Hospitality Update: Our inns are following COVID-19 protocol guidance from the Oregon Health Authority. 

Although mask guidelines are lifted:

● Some businesses may choose to still require masks.

● Some people may choose to still wear a mask.

We have all struggled through COVID-19 and could use a little kindness. Please be respectful of local businesses and their workers and most importantly kind to yourself.

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