Oregon Leaf Peepers are sure to enjoy the vibrant fall colors. As fall arrives, days shorten, temperatures cool, and intense sun softens behind slate-gray cloud cover.
Oregon Leaf Peepers have come to expect a stunning fall color show and this year’s changing of the seasons will not disappoint as a variety of deciduous trees begin to change against a bold evergreen background.
Typically one can expect the Willamette Valley peak color change to happen during the third week in October. The higher you go in the Cascade Mountains the earlier the color change. Road passes often peak 10 days to two weeks earlier than the lower elevations.
photo credit: Youngberg Hills
The earliest fall color display happens in the Wallowa Mountains and northeast region of Oregon, peaking the first part of October.
The travel blog from the Eugene Cascades Coast website will guide you to Oregon’s Brilliant Fall Leaves
When and Where do Leaves change color in Oregon?
Oregon’s peak color is mid-October, starting with a golden blush in the first weeks of September and lingering into early November. You may wish to keep tabs on changes by calling the inns of the Oregon Bed and Breakfast Guild for color updates in their region
Trees at higher elevations change first, so you’ll note that the Cascades, Bend and the coastal range will start showing the signs of fall first. Much of the eastern part of Oregon is high desert while the Willamette Valley is lower elevation.
Plan your Leaf Peeping in Oregon
Begin planning your Fall Foliage Tour, first by choosing a region, then by calling an Oregon Bed and Breakfast Guild inn and asking when the peak near them will occur. We may not hit it right on but since we live and play in our regions we have a pretty good idea what’s happening around us.
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Hospitality Update: Our inns are following COVID-19 protocol guidance from the Oregon Health Authority.
Although mask guidelines are lifted:
● Some businesses may choose to still require masks.
● Some people may choose to still wear a mask.
We have all struggled through COVID-19 and could use a little kindness. Please be respectful of local businesses and their workers and most importantly kind to yourself.