Oregon Bed & Breakfast Guild

Cottage Grove Covered Bridge Tours
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Cottage Grove Covered Bridge Tour ~ An Oregon Scenic Byway

Oregon has more designated scenic byways and tour routes than any other state, Cottage Grove Covered Bridge Tour being one of them. Thanks Travel Oregon for sharing this information

‘Cottage Grove is known as the “Covered Bridge Capital of Oregon”. There are six bridges along the route, including Dorena Bridge, Stewart Bridge, Mosby Creek Bridge, Currin Bridge, Chambers Railroad Bridge, and Centennial Bridge.

Willamette Valley Bed And Breakfast – Great Places To Start

For the geocachers among us, I have found caches at over 20 of these bridges on the Oregon Covered Bridge Tours.

Oregon has the largest collection of historic covered bridges in the western part of the United States, with over 50 covered spans. These timber bridges were often covered to protect them from the weather. The remaining examples of this obsolete bridge construction technology, generally located in pastoral rural settings, provide one of the most significant tourist attractions in the state.

Oregon Bed and Breakfast Guild is ready to share Oregon with you: it’s environment, culture, and heritage. Combine gracious hospitality with ambiance at an inspected and approved Oregon Bed and Breakfast Guild member Inn.

Hospitality Update: Our inns are following COVID-19 protocol guidance from the Oregon Health Authority. 

Although mask guidelines are lifted:

● Some businesses may choose to still require masks.

● Some people may choose to still wear a mask.

We have all struggled through COVID-19 and could use a little kindness. Please be respectful of local businesses and their workers and most importantly kind to yourself.

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